Theory Of Computability Notes

Personal final notes for CSE 105 Theory of Computability. Not comprehensive – only like a final exam cheat sheet.

Regular Expression

Precedence: \((R)\)\(R^{*}\)\(R_{1} R_{2}\)\(R_{1} \cup R_{2}\)

\(\emptyset\) represents empty set; \(\epsilon\) represents empty string; \(R^+ \equiv RR^*\)

Proving closure

Given: What does it mean for L to be in class? e.g. \(L\)* a regular language, so given a DFA/NFA* \(M_L\)

WTS: The result of applying the operation to \(L\) is still in this class.

Construction: Build a machine that recognizes the result of applying the operation to \(L\). Start with description in English! e.g. Let DFA/NFA \(M=_\cdots\)* (w.r.t to* \(M_L\))

Correctness: Prove \(L(M) =\) result of applying operation to \(L\)

Prove regularity

  1. Construction

    1. Construct DFA;
    2. Construct NFA;
    3. Construct regular expression;
    4. Use closure properties.
  2. Proof of correctness

WTS 1 if w is in L then w is accepted by ….; WTS 2 if w is not in L then w is rejected by …

To show a language L is


Not recognizable


Show there is a TM D that always halts and \(L(D) = L\); Find a decidable problem L’ and show L reduces to L’ Use closure properties.

Not decidable

Use diagonalization Find an undecidable problem L’ and show L’ reduces to L. Use closure properties.

Regular LanguagesCFLDecidable LanguagesRecognizable Languages

Pumping Lemma

If \(A\) is a regular language, then there is a number \(p\) (the pumping length) where if \(s\) is any string in \(A\) of length at least \(p\), then \(s\) may be divided into three pieces, \(s=x y z\), satisfying the following conditions:

  1. for each \(i \geq 0, x y^{i} z \in A\),
  2. \(|y|>0\), and
  3. \(|x y| \leq p\).

Proving strategies

Minimum pumping length

\(A_\text{DFA}\){⟨M,w⟩ | M is a DFA and M accepts w}Decidable
\(A_\text{TM}\){⟨M,w⟩ | M is a TM and M accepts w}Undecidable, RE, not CoRE
\(E_\text{DFA}\){⟨M⟩| M is a DFA and L(M)=∅}Decidable
\(E_\text{TM}\){⟨M⟩| M is a TM and L(M)=∅}Undecidable, not RE, CoRE
\(EQ_\text{DFA}\){⟨M1,M2⟩| M1 and M2 are DFAs and L(M1)=L(M2)}Decidable
\(EQ_\text{TM}\){⟨M1,M2⟩| M1 and M2 are TMs and L(M1)=L(M2)}Undecidable, not RE, not CoRE
\(\text{Diag}\){⟨M⟩ | M is a TM s.t. ⟨M⟩ is not in L(M)}Undecidable, not RE, CoRE
\(\text{HALT}_\text{TM}\){⟨M,w⟩ | M is a TM and M halts on input w}Undecidable, RE, not CoRE

Mapping Reduction

Assume \(A<_m B\), i.e., there is a map reduction from \(A\) to \(B\). Then, we have

Proof of correctness: Need to show two directions